(FYI, this applies equally whether it’s a 2-minute task (ahem, litter box!) or your full time job…)
So, how do you EN-JOY a yucky job?
LOOK for it: Make a point to FIND ONE THING that you can like about it, even if it’s only the good feeling you get AFTER IT’s DONE for another day! (For added challenge, try to name TWO things the next time…and so on.)
ADD something to make it more fun…turn on the music, get a cold drink and snacks to enjoy during the process, plan a reward for yourself for afterwards, talk to a friend while you work (or even better, get it done together first for one of you then for the other)
GET CREATIVE…make a game out of it, add a challenge like improving your speed or saying everything with a smile, get into character while you are doing it, imagine you are on a reality TV show and the cameras are rolling…you get the idea.
And then for the longer run, think about these other options…
In other words, if this task or job really brings you down, make up your mind to find a way to get out of it all together or do it less often or have someone else do all or part of it.
Because you know…
Life is too short to spend time doing things that bring you down.
You DO have the power to make things different for yourself.
And best of all, when you lift yourself up it lifts up the people around you too.
So for yourself and the rest of the world, EN-JOY! (And I say that in all seriousness!)
P.S. For a fun and useful book that covers this technique and more, check out The Universe is Talking to You, by Tammy Mastroberte.