On Deciding that People Like Me

Several years ago (but some time after Sally Field 😉), I decided that people like me.

That’s right, one day I just made up my mind and let go of worrying about what people thought about me. I can still clearly remember the moment and the feeling – it was so freeing! I have no idea what prompted the decision, but it came to me and I “let that shit go.” Because 99% of the time, it was all in my head. And the other 1% weren’t people important to me anyway so why let them impact me?

This memory is on my mind because recently, I made a similar decision:

I decided that people respond to my energy more than my words and to stop worrying about exactly what words I was using.

And here’s why THAT came up…

I was making a recording a couple weeks ago with a group of women whom I find to be very articulate. And although it was a fun experience – it’s always fun for me to spend time with this particular group – I left feeling like my speaking abilities had once again fallen flat on another opportunity to demonstrate my full capabilities.

This REALLY bugged me until I remembered to practice my own medicine, which in this case involved tapping (aka EFT or Emotional Freedom Technique) combined with some energy clearing to bring me to an altered perspective…which led to my decision.

And after that, I just stopped worrying about what exactly had come out of my mouth because I know my energy is what came through, what ALWAYS comes through. Yes, I could take some lessons and practice to improve my speaking abilities (I might still do that) but in the meantime, it feels so much better to just “let that shit go” once again and accept where I’m at.

And if I needed any proof that I had created the needed shift, I had two people “coincidentally” comment soon afterwards about enjoying my energy.

So if you are ready to bring about a “shift in your shit”, book an appointment. You know I can help – I have been there!

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