The silver lining in challenging times…

There is always a silver lining, if you decide to look for it.  So in case you need a little help with that these days, allow me…

First, there’s a fun 1-minute Michael Caine clip from years ago that I keep coming across lately where he talks about his “use the difficulty” philosophy – take a look: 

As it happens, earlier this year, some friends and I were chatting about a variation on the topic:  taking the harder road with faster payoff vs the easier one but slower payoff.  We agreed that, given a choice, we all would take the easier road.  

And for those times when there is NO CHOICE, take a page from Michael Caine and rethink it as ONE GIANT OPPORTUNITY.

Because sometimes the Universe needs you to get your butt in gear sooner rather than later…and with the current state of the world, this is one of those moments!     

So what is the opportunity exactly?  Well, it depends on which group you’re in…and if you’re still reading this, I’m sure you are in one of these below (probably both, to some extent)…

Group A:  You’re someone who is READY to “level up” in your awareness and the positive energy you contribute to the world…and the Universe is giving you a little (or big!) shove in that direction.  Yes, that involves introspection and considering what your personal lessons are here – what fears and other emotions and beliefs are you resisting or avoiding that it’s time to let go of? It also involves making time for self-care, doing whatever it is you do that soothes your soul, because that’s the space where the inspired ideas on how to change will drop into your brain AND feel manageable.  (And if you find yourself thinking, “Oh I hope that’s not my group,” then for sure it is! 🙂)


Group B:  You’re someone who has already leveled up to a place where you can “hold space”, that is, help to support the people around you while they go through the (sometimes) uncomfortable leveling up process themselves.  And that means BEING YOURSELF and doing whatever it is you do to lift the people around you.  That might be just listening or making them laugh or maybe something bigger, like motivating them to action.  Just know that doing whatever it is that YOU ENJOY DOING for or with others is exactly the right thing.  And equally important is your own self-care, continuing to do whatever it is you do to keep yourself centered and elevated…”fill your cup” first so you can continue to be “there” for the people around you.

And for everyone here, let me also offer this approach to speed along the whole process:

Find it in yourself to EXTEND GRATITUDE rather than daggers to those creating this harder path for you.  They are only bringing to your attention this fast-growth opportunity.

And please LIMIT YOUR EXPOSURE to the news, to social media (present message excluded, ahem!), and to other sources of energy that brings you down, including people and places.  Spending too much time in that energy only makes the elevation path that much steeper.  Stay aware and when you feel your energy start to dip, make your exit.

On behalf of the world, THANK YOU!

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