Happy New Year! I know that’s an odd thing to say in June but it’s just past the summer solstice, and as my friend pointed out the other night, the longest day of the year is a more natural marker of transition anyway than the day in January that we humans more or less arbitrarily assigned to the purpose. This is certainly a time of greater transition for me than the turn of the calendar year was. California is finally emerging from COVID-induced separation and masking. My new “Personal Instruction Manual” class started yesterday. My birthday is in a couple days. My new website is about to launch. And because I tend to keep things to myself, I’m sure the new business venture promoted by this new website is also, well, news to many who know me. (Although the pun in that last sentence will not be news to those who know me!)
So, welcome to my new magic life. It’s lots of fun! But since the best experiences in life get even better when shared, it is my sincere hope that I will have the opportunity to share with you my tricks, tips and insightful gifts to make your life feel like magic and fun too. Or to at least light your pathway on the way there.
You’re never too young or too old to make your life how you want it….even if you’re still trying to figure out exactly what that might be. And the world needs people on that pathway now more than ever.