My husband loves Bigfoot. We have driven the Bigfoot Highway in northern California, and have Bigfoot everything – clothing, blankets, “art”, the Christmas ornament pictured here (two, in fact) – around the house. Somewhere in the course of watching many, many YouTube videos on the subject, we came across an episode of a short-lived reality series that Rob Lowe made with his sons, where they travel around investigating fun stuff like ghosts, aliens and of course, Bigfoot (and his Ozark cousin, wood ape).
What has stayed with me is the tagline: “It’s more fun to believe.”
BECAUSE IT IS! Even if others might find the subject totally foolish.
My point is, we have gotten a lot of enjoyment out of the topic, and because of sharing that interest – regardless of what others might think – I believe others around us have gotten some residual enjoyment out of it too.
With so much else in life that could bring us down, it’s great to have something we can count on to always bring us up…and even better if we can bring up others around us at the same time.
🤔 So take a moment and consider…
→ Is there an interest in your life that you are holding back on because you think others will find it silly or worthless? 🤓
→ Would you be willing to get out of your comfort zone to share it more if you knew that doing so could bring some good cheer to others around you? 🥰