More Services

Scroll down to learn more about additional services, including…

~ Team Energy Clearing for Businesses and Organizations ~
~ Group Workshops and presentations  ~
~ Active Retreats ~

Energy Clearing for
Businesses & Organizations

Gain the benefit of THREE ENERGY PRACTITIONERS working together to clear stale energy and reinvigorate the flow of your business or organization across….

 the business/organization as an entity
Customer/ Client Base
Products & Services
Physical Location

After a short, scheduled conversation with you held separately to gather background, Lisa and a team of two additional Soul Intelligence™ Method practitioners, conduct an extended energy clearing and insight session with MAGNIFIED results.  A written and/or recorded report will be provided to you upon completion.

Details & Pricing

  • Pricing and turnaround time based on size of business/organization and extend of clearing requested.

Contact Lisa for additional details and pricing.

Group Workshops & Presentations

Through instruction and practice in a group setting, learn how to…

* Manage challenging emotions that are holding you back like overwhelm, impatience, fear,  disappointment, uncertainty, frustration, lack of motivation and boredom

* Spot the warning signs and triggers that bring on those challenging emotions, to minimize both their occurrence and intensityat bring on those challenging emotions, to minimize both their occurrence and intensity

* Increase in your life the positive emotions like joy, peace, enthusiasm, motivation and fulfillment

* Find your way forward by uncovering  your soul-aligned path and building the courage to step out in that direction

* Train your brain to “have your back” with supportive thinking and by uncovering and releasing limiting beliefs

* Read – and trust – your own inner wisdom, through increased awareness of your physical and emotional signals, and by tuning in to the many ways that your subconscious speaks to you

Details & Pricing

  • Available by Zoom anywhere, and in-person in the greater Los Angeles area. 
  • Offered occasionally as scheduled below and by special arrangement
      •  Check back for upcoming dates!

Contact Lisa for additional details and pricing.

Active Retreats

Join Lisa and fellow life coach, Liane Olin, on an inward and outward exploration over several days in the beauty of the western United States.

Regardless of location or duration, each retreat includes a combination of of hiking, exploring the area and getting centered through visualization/meditation, being in good energy and other fun activities to get in touch with your inner wisdom, peace and creativity. 

Upcoming retreats:

  • October 20-27, 2024:  In and Around Zion National Park; price TBD


Details & Pricing

  • Pricing determined by location and duration. 
  • Complete the form on the Contact page to be added to an interest list and receive updates.

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